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About Masset

Masset is situated along the shoreline of Masset Sound on Haida Gwaii, formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands, and is the largest village on the island. Major industries are logging, fishing and tourism. Masset provides services for a larger rural area with a population of 1,000 local residents and services a surrounding area of 2,300 including Tow Hill (unincorporated) and Old Masset (IR), incorporated in 1961, the Village of Masset is the oldest of the island’s municipalities. The community has one elementary school and one secondary school.

Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre provides medical service to Old Masset, Port Clements and surrounding areas. The hospital and health centre has 4 acute care beds, 1 palliative care bed, 4 long-term care beds and a 4 unit assisted living complex. Some services provided at the hospital:

  • Emergency  
  • Laboratory
  • Diagnostic Imaging  
  • Pharmacy
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech and Language therapy
  • Mental Health and Substance Use service
  • Home and Community Care and Home Support services
  • Visiting specialists in Pediatrics, Orthopaedics, ENT, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Respirology, Rheumatology, Urology and Ophthalmology
  • Video conferencing capabilities with specialists or physicians in other areas Public Health provides many services to the community. Some of these services include:
  • Harm reduction services  
  • TB testing
  • Prenatal services with pregnancy registry
  • Kindergarten screening and school immunizations
  • Birth control, pap tests, STI testing

Some unique features include:

The Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary is a 290-hectare intertidal wetland in Masset, Haida Gwaii. It lies on the Pacific Flyway, adjacent to Dixon Entrance and Masset Inlet, serving as a crucial stopover for migratory birds and a wintering area for waterfowl. Over 150 bird species have been recorded, including Canada's first Wood Sandpiper, Aleutian Tern, and Red-faced Cormorant sightings.

In 1964, a causeway blocked tidal access, leading to invasive plant growth. After a 1 million fundraising effort, tidal access was restored in 1995, and the area is being restored as a coastal wetland. Delkatla is a key destination for birders and heritage tourists, being the only Migratory Bird Sanctuary on Haida Gwaii and in the Skeena region.

Naikoon Park
Naikoon is the traditional territory of the Haida Nation, rich in cultural and spiritual sites, historic villages, and food gathering areas. Colonial settlements from the early 1900s, though unsuccessful, left traces in the park.

The park's name, Naikoon, comes from "Née Kun" meaning "House Point." Jasḵwaan Bedard, a speaker of the Old Massett dialect, pronounces it in X̱aad Kíl.

Historically, the Haida language had many dialects. Today, three remain: X̱aad Kíl (Old Massett dialect), X̱aayda Kil (Skidegate dialect), and another X̱aad Kíl spoken by Ḵ'íis X̱aadee peoples in Southeast Alaska.

Tow Hill and Blow Hole Trails in Naikoon Provincial Park are family-friendly and fully accessible, thanks to boardwalks. Located 26 km east of Masset, the trailhead features Haida totems and an informative panel with cultural, historic, and environmental details, including braille and tactile images.

From the trailhead, a 200-meter dirt path leads to a solar-powered talking sign with Haida stories. The boardwalk offers two routes: a 900-meter hike to Tow Hill's viewing area (30 minutes) or a 700-meter hike to the beach and blow hole (15 minutes).

Learn more about the community of Masset.

Totem pole outside of a brown building in MassetOne adult and two children walking along a sandy beachView of the water from the beach in Masset

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